Oklahoma Association of Healthcare Engineers
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Certified Health Care Constructor Exam Review Program
Thursday, August 19, 2021, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST
Category: Events


OAHE is Hosting a Certified Health Care Constructor Exam Review Class Through ASHE
August 19
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Nabholz Construction | 10319 East 54th St. | Tulsa, OK 



With all the changes that Covid-19 brought in, our Healthcare facilities are starting to require contractors to be “CHC Certified”. So what does “CHC” mean? Well, according to the ‘Health Care Compliance Association’ (HCCA), an individual holds knowledge of relevant regulations and expertise in compliance process sufficient to assist the healthcare industry organizations in understanding and addressing legal obligations, and promote organizational integrity through the operation of effective compliance programs.

This course is designed to give you the tools for passing the Certified Health Care Constructor (CHC) Exam. This course provides test taking tips, key topics, and sample questions identified in the CHC content outline (as listed in the CHC Candidate Handbook). This course will also use interactive polling technology, allowing each participant to answer questions and compare their answer with averages among those in class.

Please note: The workshop fee does not include the CHC exam fee, nor does it register you for the exam. Participation in this program does not guarantee a passing score on the exam.

Learning outcomes:

  • Apply your knowledge and experience in answering application and analysis questions.
  • Implement suggestions for preparing for the CHC exam.
  • Identify the topic areas that are your strengths.

Intended Audiences:

  • Those who have attended ASHE's HCC Workshop
  • Contractors
  • Health care facility managers

$375.00 Member Rate 

$525 Nonmembers (includes seminar and OAHE Membership!)
Breakfast and Lunch are included.
Sign up on the OAHE Website (oahe.org) or contact
OAHE Association Manager, Tawni Phelan, by email [email protected].
  • This is an official ASHE program being hosted by the Oklahoma Association of Healthcare Engineers. Pricing, registration, and coordination of these events are determined by the Oklahoma Association of Healthcare Engineers. Registrations for this program are not transferable to other ASHE courses.