Spring 2018 Newsletter
President's Note |
To all OAHE members, It’s hard to believe. We have had rain, we’re starting to warm up, and best of all we get to have an extra hour of sunlight in a couple of weeks. My hope is everyone has had a safe and uneventful winter. One ice, sleet, snow (and whatever else is cold) storm has been a blessing for most of us in Oklahoma. We have a great start to 2018. In February, the OAHE hosted the Winter Regional Event in Broken Arrow sponsored by our good friends at YORK Electronic Systems, Inc. The event was on February 1st and featured ASHE’s Certified Health Care Constructor “CHC” Exam Review Program. The CHC Exam Review Program offered .07 CEU’s or 7 contact hours with the American Hospital Association (AHA). Thanks to Scott Johnson for his work on working with our management company to set this up (thank you Kirby and Lydia). As we move closer to the summer months, our thoughts begin to think about the lake, children’s ballgames, and cooking out at least three times a week! It also is time for our Annual Conference! The 2018 Annual Conference is full of interesting educational opportunities as well as, drum roll please, our Vendor Show. Registration is open for the April 18th-20th conference. I would like to take a moment and say a big THANK YOU to all of our Vendors for the support you provide our association! We couldn’t do the things we do at the OAHE without our Vendors. Please go to the website and register for the 2018 Annual Conference and take some time to look at all of those great Vendors who sponsor our association. Also remember to visit with our Vendors at their booths and see what they have to offer. We have a fantastic group of Vendors who offer excellent services. Last thing to say on the event is…..We’re back! Remington Park is back on the agenda for our Thursday night social outing! So get your racing forms ready for a night of horse racing. So, as we prepare our facilities for warmer weather and working some longer hours, make sure to take time to be with your family’s and enjoy! Life is good, and it’s even better when you’re with those you love! Work hard, play harder and enjoy life my friends!!
 Steven L. Gulick 2018 OAHE President
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Safe Day One |
Demonstrate your leadership and save lives through effective training and education of technicians and contractors.
Take advantage of the online Healthcare Facilities Orientation & Safety Training (formerly CHT) program offered by OAHE:
- Protect patients, visitors, employees and contractors
- Reduce injuries, infections, and deaths in the healthcare environment
- Educate your front line staff and contracted personnel that are in your facilities every day
Annual Conference |
This conference will focus on the unique opportunities and problems that we face in the industry. The OAHE Annual conference delivers the best value in professional development for healthcare engineers in Oklahoma. In addition to its content, the conference provides ongoing opportunities to discuss emerging issues and best practices with colleagues, vendors, and consultants across a broad continuum of health care issues. Here are the Top Reasons why you Should Attend?
- Grow your professional network at the Welcome Reception, Networking Breakfast, etc.
- Obtain Continuing Education contact hours necessary for relicensure or professional certificates
- Gain perspective on new standards and issues affecting the healthcare community as well as new trends in the industry
- Interlink focuses on providing you with the technical content you need to run your hospital!
- Discover and evaluate products and services offered by vendors that will support your ongoing initiatives within your organizations.
Membership Renewal |
Member Renewals are now open for 2018! Member Dues (effective January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018): The Memberships available are the following: Individual Engineer Membership: $85.00 Individual Vendor Membership: $150.00 What does OAHE offer you as a member?
- a forum for learning
- an opportunity to meet other professionals in the healthcare field and share your experiences and ideas
- experience the latest technologies as it relates to healthcare engineering
- provides you with insights into the ever changing field of hospital environment of care
- help you with JCAHO and state regulatory issues
Energy to Care Chapter Challenge |
Friendly reminder to log in to Portfolio Manager and update your data through December 2017. This is due no later than April 1 to be considered in the Energy to Care competitions. We’d love for Oklahoma to make a great showing in the Chapter Challenge this year, but we are reliant on your facilities to help us get there!
ASHE Water/Energy Survey |
The ASHE Sustainability Committee Task Force requests your assistance by completing the ASHE Water and Energy survey if you have not already done so. The survey has been shortened and is now much easier to complete. The data derived from this survey is essential to validate the Energy Star Program.
Facilities Management News |
Children's Hospital in Oklahoma City Sends Patients' Spirits Soaring CMS clarifies ligature risk policy
ASHE Membership Blurb |
Interested in becoming a member of ASHE? Check out the great benefits becoming a member provides!
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